
Current functionality and the road ahead of us


How PoshGUI helps you

WPF Designer

Create modern, robust, and beautiful user interfaces

WinForms Designer

Quick and easy development - create UI in minutes


No more freezing UI's. You can easily update the UI from multiple runspaces without adding complexity


Use MVVM design pattern to keep your code clean and easy to maintain

Public Repositories

Browse and fork thousands of publicly available projects

Private Repositories

Secure private projects that should remain confidential

Cloud Application

No installations or dependencies

Design Themes

Out of the box, design themes can improve your design skills with a click of a button

Code Editor

Online code editor for Powershell for all your snippet needs

Cmdlet Builder

Simplifies the process of creating complex cmdlets with an easy to use UI


The below roadmap will be changed based on feedback from the users
So feel free to contact me in any manner like email/Twitter/Facebook/form/discord to share your opinion

Next Major Release

Share projects in a team

Form generator

Multi-file option to WPF output

Allow changing default variables names (i.e. State, Window, Xaml)

Allow code to be wrapped into a function


Windows 10 Toast notification designer

WinForms AutoSave options

Expand WPF controls portfolio

WPF templates (i.e. input form, popup, complex app)

Snap-to grid and controls auto alignment

systray/taskbar menu designer

InteliSense to the XAML Panel

Zoom In/Out in WPF Designer

Search in Properties and Events

Errors and Warning Panel to allow easier troubleshooting

Offline helper app to allow future development of advanced capabilities and features